• Curriculum Level
  • Topics and Themes
  • PPDAC Framework

Curriculum Level:

Topics and Themes:

Topics and Themes are used to categorise the context for learning. These typically relate to the Curriculum Organisers within CfE but also include themes such as home learning or family learning.

Devices & Software

This category provides guides and tips for using devices and software within data learning

Blended & Home Learning

Resources that can be used both in the classroom or in the home environment

PPDAC Framework:

The PPDAC Framework is the pedagogocal approach used to deliver Data Education. You can read more about each stage within the website.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer et dui velit. Sed a maximus ante. Vestibulum malesuada dapibus orci, at lobortis purus lacinia sed. Nulla enim eros, faucibus vitae dui bibendum, dignissim porttitor tellus. Vestibulum convallis lorem vitae tristique iaculis. Vivamus tincidunt auctor nisl, sit amet volutpat leo volutpat hendrerit. Donec in risus a quam posuere dapibus. Integer eu convallis leo. Etiam porttitor tellus diam.

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New Technologies

It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker.

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New Social Studies

Praesent consectetur commodo tempor. Quisque non nulla quam. Maecenas dui turpis, cursus vel venenatis quis, lacinia eu dui. Morbi dignissim turpis in porta convallis.

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New Expressive Arts

Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

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Accordion page – DataFit – Developing Data & Physical Activity Literacy

Introduction The DataFit mission is to simultaneously increase data literacy and physical activity literacy.

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Weather Unit – Lesson 4 – Measuring Temperature & Humidity

Introduction Weather forecasts and weather monitoring is one of the ways that data is used in out everyday life; although we may not quite realise it.

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Weather Unit – Lesson 3 – Using Sensors

Introduction Weather forecasts and weather monitoring is one of the ways that data is used in out everyday life; although we may not quite realise it.

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Weather Unit – Lesson 2 – Variables

Introduction Weather forecasts and weather monitoring is one of the ways that data is used in out everyday life; although we may not quite realise it.

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Weather Unit – Lesson 1 – Understanding Microclimates

Introduction Weather forecasts and weather monitoring is one of the ways that data is used in out everyday life; although we may not quite realise it.

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Make a Guess Who Game

Introduction Guess Who is a well known children's game that can help us to think about data, categorisation and pattern matching.

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Make a Sticky Note Dance

Introduction This a great example of how technical concepts like computational thinking can be developed through creative subjects such as dance.

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Make a Top Trumps Game

Introduction Top Trumps is well known game and activity for young people. Cards are available for popular films, computer games and books as well as educational purposes. Each card tends to include a name and character information.

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