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Make a Top Trumps Game

Introduction Top Trumps is well known game and activity for young people. Cards are available for popular films, computer games and books as well as educational purposes. Each card tends to include a name and character information.

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Make a Board Game

Introduction This resource encourages learners to consider the rules of a game.  This in turn helps them to develop a simplified understanding of algorithms and computational thinking.

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Spotify Analysis

This activty is an example of how we can use one data set to find out lots of different information.

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Gapminder Cards – Data vs What We think

This card sorting game helps us to highlight how we use data all the time to make decisions. It works best with a small group children or a family.

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Data Sweets

This activty is a simple way of introducing data analysis and simple visualisation to children. This activty can be done with items commonly available at home with an optional extension to a computer and internet access.

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Getting Started in Data – Family Learning

Introduction We are going to create our very own family infographic. An infographic is a visual representation of data. It can include pictures, words and numbers to help us understand something.

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